Ramadan is a time of self-discipline and self-sacrifice, a period to reflect and show compassion for those less fortunate than ourselves.

Right now, millions of people across the world need your help. Facing a daily fight for survival due to poverty, famine, disasters and conflict, they’re in dire need of support.

However, you can help save and transform their lives – all for the love of Allah (SWT).

For the love of Allah (SWT)

Since 1984, Islamic Relief has saved and changed more than 117 million lives around the world. Working in more than 40 countries ready to assist the most vulnerable people, Islamic Relief offers all of us the opportunity to gain Allah’s pleasure and mercy.

This Ramadan, we’re asking you to fast, pray and save a life for the love of Allah (SWT).


For the love of Allah, give food:

R1000 could feed a family for the month of Ramadan


For the love of Allah, give water:

R1700 could provide for a displaced family living in a camp


For the love of Allah, help an orphan:

R5100 could support an orphan and their family for one year

For the love of Allah, save a life now.

Donate Zakat

Donate Sadaqah

Islamic Relief © 2024 | Tous droits réservés | organisation caritative enregistrée sous le numéro 328158